Friday, September 8, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 69 Highlights: Smooth Sailing Ahead for the Misfits?

After yesterday’s Big Brother 19 double eviction, everyone tried to push forward. Alex Ow found herself at the bottom of the house alliance. She believed that her only true remaining game ally was Paul Abrahamian, and that the house might still be after Kevin Schlehuber. Kevin was also completely confused about the events of this Big Brother 19 double eviction.

Big Brother 19 Josh Martinez and Paul Abrahamian

If things go according to plan, Alex should be the one leaving the house on Wednesday’s special eviction episode. However, the Big Brother 19 Power of Veto competition might just finally stir up the game.

The Calm Before the Storm

Big Brother 19 Kevin Schlehuber and Paul Abrahamian

Kevin and Jason Dent spent their morning speculating who would leave the Big Brother 19 game. As Jason stated in his exit interview, he was only humoring Kevin with speculation. He believed that he would be the one staying this week. The two players even discussed the votes for and against them.

Meanwhile, Josh Martinez discussed his worries about sending out Jason in this manner. He allies reassured him this was the best for their games.


Big Brother 19 Alex Ow and Paul Abrahamian

Paul, Christmas Abbott, and Josh discussed the plan for this week. Josh would win the Head of Household competition, and he would then nominate Alex and Kevin for eviction. Josh agreed to this plan, and they are all just hoping that Alex wouldn’t win the Power of Veto.

Josh lies to Alex and tells her that he had a last minute change of heart. He claimed that he asked Jason if he had his back, and Jason said no. Alex totally bought this lie because later, while alone with Paul, she blamed Jason for his own eviction. She also told Paul now that he was her ride or die.

Alex wanted them to make it to the end together. If one of them got evicted, the other would fight for their jury votes and root for them. We’ll see if she’s singing that tune if Paul wins the Veto and doesn’t use it on her.

Big Brother 19 Final Five Houseguests

Alex also requested that the houseguests let her know if she was their target. Josh made Christmas and Paul promise that after the Power of Veto competition, if Alex loses it, they will break the news to her that she is going home. They both agreed to do it.

The houseguests also discussed rattling Kevin going into the final four Head of Household competition. This would ensure that one of them won it, and Jason would be the fourth place finisher.

All this planning is great but Alex has shown herself to be a strong competition threat. If she wins this week’s BBcomics Power of Veto competition (which the odds are in her favor), Josh may start to question why not try to get out Paul, instead of a bad competitor like Kevin. But that might be wishful thinking. He would need both Christmas and Alex’s votes to secure Paul’s eviction, and both are too much under Paul’s spell for that to happen.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news!

from Big Brother Access

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