Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Big Brother 20 Week 8 Alliance Update

With just a little over a month left inside the Big Brother 20 house, all of the houseguests are really sticking close with their alliances now and playing their best game of the season, right?  Wrong…not these houseguests, and not this season.  Correction, one alliance is playing their best game now while the other side of the house has completely imploded and basically turned one another resulting in their demise.

Big Brother 20 Faysal Shafaat

The Level 6 alliance has slowly picked apart their counterparts in the Big Brother house, and we have all watched in frustration as the Hive alliance has crumbled right before our eyes.  Consequently, the Hive may go down as one of the worst strategic alliances over the course of the 20 year history of Big Brother by making one bad decision after another.  The Hive was shocked and dazed yet again last week as one of their own members was evicted during a week where they held the power of Head of Household.

Rockstar Lantry was evicted last week even though she and her Hive alliance were certain they had the votes to keep her in the house.  How can a group of Big Brother fans have such a horrible grasp on the pulse of the game?  They have sat back and watched as one member (Swaggy C Williams) after another member (Bayleigh Dayton), after another (Rockstar) has been evicted with a blindside they really had no knowledge or clue was going to occur.

After Faysal Shafaat won the HOH this week, he admitted in the diary room that there had been 5 eviction votes this season where he was on the wrong side of the vote and unaware of the intended outcome.  The funny part about that is there have only been 7 eviction votes so far this season.  That means poor Fessy was ‘in the know’ for just 2 votes this year.  Very sad, but true.

So, now that Fessy won the HOH, the time has finally come for the Hive (or what’s left of them) to go after Level 6 and try to “level” the playing field, right?  Wrong again.  Instead of going after Tyler Crispen (whom his showmance partner failed evict last week), Fessy has decided to go after the one and only person left in the house that could be on his and Haleigh Broucher’s side.

Big Brother 20 Alliances

Photo Courtesy of @89RazorSkate20

JC Moundiux, who isn’t even an official member of Level 6 alliance, has played Fessy like a fiddle this week by convincing him that Scottie Salton was after his girl.  Once JC got in Fessy’s head about Scottie having feelings for Haleigh and wanting Fessy gone, Fessy threw all sense out the window and set his targets right on the last person that could be an ally for them.  By the way, props to JC for selling this story to Fessy.  You can’t make this kind of stuff up.

So now we are left with a thriving and very strong 4 person, Level 6 alliance consisting of Tyler, Kaycee Clark, Angela Rummans, and Brett Robinson.  In addition, JC and Sam Bledsoe have continually been going to bat for Level 6 even though they are not members of the alliance.  Now that’s how you run an alliance in the Big Brother house.

Once Scottie is evicted this week (my prediction), and the Hive is dead and gone, Fessy and Haleigh will probably be the next 2 houseguest to go.  That’s really when the game will get interesting again as the Level 6 alliance members will have to turn on one another and start evicting their own allies.  Until then, we just have to sit back and watch what’s left of the Hive continue to make one bad decision after another in the Big Brother house this season.  See what happens when you let your emotions start making calls for you in there instead of using common sense.

Big Brother 20

Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

Join us again Wednesday at 7:00pm CST/8:00pm EST for the Power of Veto competition.

from Big Brother Accesshttp://bigbrotheraccess.com/big-brother-20-week-8-alliance-update-3534085/

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