Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 62 Highlights: Sam Goes Silent to Protest the Game

For the most part, we had a quiet day. The Big Brother 20 houseguests enjoyed a relaxing Monday after a very eventful weekend. The day began with this week’s Big Brother 20 Power of Veto ceremony. Scottie Salton gave a speech as promised. But he made Sam Bledsoe the focus of it. Of course, the speech did not work, Kaycee Clark went on the block instead of Sam.

Big Brother 20 Sam Bledsoe

As the day continued, of course Scottie continued to let things marinate in his mind. He grew anger at Faysal Shafaat, and wanted to get some kind of revenge. He didn’t plan to campaign too much because he didn’t see a way out of this week’s eviction. He just hoped there would be some sort of Battle Back that would bring him back to the Big Brother 20 house.

At one point, Scottie believed that Faysal had to be the one flipping the votes, because that would be the only explanation for him targeting Scottie. He couldn’t decide if Faysal was a secret genius or a complete idiot. Scottie told other houseguests that he wanted to ask Haleigh Broucher something today. Depending on her answer, he would cause some chaos. We’re in for a slightly petty, crazy Scottie this week. Well, if you’re going to go out, why not go out with a bang.

Big Brother 20 Scottie Salton and Haleigh Broucher

The Scottie nomination continued to cause tension for Faysal and Haleigh as they spent a good chunk of the evening arguing about whether Haleigh would give Scottie her vote. She stated over and over again that she wouldn’t, but Faysal just wanted to make sure that she knew they would have problems if she did do it. Flashforward to Thursday, and we will probably see JC Mounduix cast a hinky vote to frame on Haleigh,

Tyler Crispen and Angela Rummans also both admitted to find each other attractive. JC and others are starting to worry about the blossoming showmance. JC told Tyler if he found out Angela and Tyler were a thing, he’d put them both on the block for eviction.

Big Brother 20 Angela Rummans, Jc Mounduix, and Tyler CrispenSam turned her strange meter up today as she went on a three hour silent strike to protest the cruelty of the Big Brother 20 game. She also spent the night being weird and having some alone camera time. She entered the Diary room while everyone else was asleep. She did end up returning from it.

Big Brother CBS All Access

Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Accesshttp://bigbrotheraccess.com/big-brother-20-spoilers-live-feeds-day-62-highlights-sam-goes-silent-to-protest-the-game-3534092/

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