Sunday, August 12, 2018

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 53 Highlights: Haleigh Makes a Pitch to Save Rockstar

Big Brother 20’s current Head of Household, Haleigh Broucher, is in for a emotional week. After winning HOH, Haleigh and her team knew that they really needed to win the Hacker competition. They gave it a good effort, but Kaycee Clark won it instead. Now Kaycee has hijacked a week that could have been smooth and steady for the Hive. The group got another major blow during this week’s Power of Veto competition.

Big Brother 20 Haleigh Broucher

Another member of Level 6 won the Veto. This pretty much guarantees that Angie “Rockstar” Lantry will be evicted this week. However, Goonies never say die and neither does the Hive. They came to Tyler Crispen with a pitch to save Rockstar.

Being general distraught about the Veto results, Haleigh got a little tipsy. She then, along with Rockstar, made a proposal to Tyler. She told him that, he would have the safety of five people if used the Veto to save Rockstar. They also talked about how Angela Rummans and Kaycee have not made any real moves in the game. They said they were floaters.

Once Rockstar left, Tyler interrogated Haleigh about being the hacker last week, and her decision to nominate him. It seemed like after all was said and done, Tyler finally believed that Haleigh was the hacker. Unfortunately, this just hurt her case to save Rockstar. After the exchange, Rockstar and Haleigh were very confident that they had convinced Tyler to save Rockstar instead of Angela.

Big Brother 20 Tyler Crispen

Of course later, Tyler retold this pitch to Level 6. They just laughed, and planned how to ensure the votes to evict Rockstar. In her pitch, Haleigh mentioned that Sam Bledsoe was now on their side. Tyler said if this was true, then Level 6 needed to work to secure JC Mounduix on their side. If they didn’t get JC, they feared things would result in a tie, and Haleigh would cast the final vote to evict Kaycee.

Throughout the night, everyone discussed the Power of Veto competition. Apparently, Kaycee and Angela were the first two eliminated. Faysal Shafaat finished fourth, and Haleigh finished third but only because Rockstar messed up. When Tyler returned to show OTEV his answer, Rockstar showed him her answer, which made Tyler realize he had the wrong answer, and rushed back to change it. This got Haleigh eliminated. Then on the final round, Rockstar beat Tyler in speed but had the wrong answer.

Big Brother 20 Faysal Shafaat and Haleigh Broucher

Haleigh and Faysal had yet another argument. This time Haleigh told Fessy that she didn’t trust him, which caused him to storm out. The two had their back and forth for a few hours. However, late at night, Haleigh made a move and the two shared their first kiss and make-out

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