Saturday, January 26, 2019

Celebrity Big Brother 2 Recap: Week One Live Eviction 01/25/2019

After quite a drama filled first week inside the Celebrity Big Brother 2 house, the time has finally come to watch our first live eviction.  Ryan Lochte beat out Jonathan Bennett in a one-on-one showdown for the first Head of Household win of the season.  Unfortunately, Jonathan loss sent him immediately to the block where he was eventually joined by Tom Green and Anthony Scaramucci.

HOH Ryan Lochte

Ricky Williams powered through the Power of Veto competition with a formidable win.  After Ryan confessed to Ricky that he would nominate Lolo Jones to the block as the replacement nominee, Ricky decided NOT to use the POV this week leaving the block nominations in tact.  Now that Ryan will not get his wish to go after Lolo, who will the HOH target for eviction tonight?

Week One Power of Veto Ceremony Fallout

Tom Green is Mr. Paranoid in the Big Brother house.  Lolo has decided that she can’t trust anyone after Ricky confided to her about Ryan’s plan for her early demise.  During the POV ceremony, Tamar Braxton and Lolo were seen giving each other a congratulatory hand sign that was never meant to be seen by any of the other houseguests.  Ryan caught wind of the celebration code in the mirror and shared the info with Jonathan who assumed he was their target for eviction this week.

Expect the Unexpected With Celebrity News

Breaking news came through the television in the living room with a crazy twist in the Big Brother game.  There was an imposter amongst the celebrities that was not really a houseguest, and they revealed themselves to the house.  The imposter was Anthony.  Anthony informed the houseguests that he would no longer be inside the Big Brother house with them.  In addition, for the first time ever, Anthony announced a second POV competition with the opportunity to win safety from eviction.

As if this was enough crazy news, Anthony informed HOH Ryan that he must immediately nominate a replacement nominee to the block to take his place.  Ryan faced the celebs and nominated Kandi Burruss to the block which is strange since she is in the super group alliance with him formed just a few days ago.  So much for Ryan’s loyalty in the Big Brother house.

Mooch’s Veto

As always, the current HOH and the block nominees will compete in the POV competition.  By random draw, Kato Kaelin and Dina Lohan were chosen to compete in the event.  Ryan, Tom, Jonathan, and Kandi will go into battle with Kato and Dina in the first ever second POV competition.  Will the nominations stay the same or will a nominee win to save themselves from eviction.

Mooch’s veto consists of the houseguests counting the number of true headlines presented to them.  Some of the headlines are real and some of the headlines are fake.  The celebs must decide which is fake news and which is not.  The headlines are created around things Mooch said or did while he was inside the Big Brother house.

Kato Kaelin Celebrity Big Brother

After the celebs are given time to review all of the headlines in the press room, they must decide the number of headlines that are true and lock in their answer.  With a correct number of true headlines as 8, Kato won the second POV.  Chances are Kato will use the veto and save Tom, his ride or die from eviction.

Celebrity Game Play

Lolo and Ryan have a heart-to-heart conversation where Lolo confides to Ryan that she knows he has been looking to back door her this week.  Ryan knows that he has been busted and lies to her by swearing he has not done that yet and has no plans on doing so either.  Lolo takes his word for it at the time, but Lolo still cannot trust her former Olympic teammate.

Second Power of Veto Ceremony of Week One

At the POV ceremony, Kato announced that he will invoke the POV on his buddy Tom.  Because Tom is no longer on the block, Ryan must nominate yet another houseguest to the block for possible eviction.  Ryan plays it safe and rather than nominating Lolo, he decides to put up Joey Lawrence.  Ryan’s plan is to go after Kandi for eviction.

Power of Veto Fallout

Jonathan, Kandi, and Joey are all on the block and up for possible eviction tonight.  Tom and Kato have a strategic meeting with Ricky and Lolo discussing plans for the vote.  Lolo confides that removing Kandi from the house may settle down the tension present between her and Tamar.  Ryan and Jonathan will most likely vote for Kandi as well.  Will she be the first evicted celebrity this season?

Live Eviction Vote

Time for the first live eviction inside the Big Brother house.  The votes were cast as follows:

Dina voted to evict Kandi
Kato voted to evict Jonathan
Tamar voted to evict Jonathan
Ricky voted to evict Jonathan
Tom votes to evict Jonathan
Lolo votes to evict Jonathan
Natalie voted to evict Jonathan

By a vote 6-1, Jonathan is evicted from the Big Brother house.  During his exit interview with Julie Chen, Jonathan feels like he put a target on his back by befriending an Olympic athlete right off the bat.  Julie felt as though his biggest mistake was sticking his neck out by saving Dina.  That move put him on notice with the girls in the house when he saved Dina without talking to them about it first.

Jonathan Bennett Celebrity Big Brother

Join us Sunday night, January 27 at 8 PM/ 7 PM CST for the results of the Head of Household competition.

Thanks for joining us all winter long for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Celebrity Big Brother 2We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Celebrity Big Brother. Join us again for the next episode of Celebrity Big Brother 2 on Jan 27, 8 PM/ & PM CST. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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