Saturday, August 11, 2018

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 52 Highlights: The Hacker Strikes Again

Yesterday, the Big Brother 20 houseguests received an early wake up call. The day started a little earlier than normal to prepare for nominations and the Hacker competition. While most people were slow to rise, Angie “Rockstar” Lantry and Haleigh Broucher spent the morning plotting and planning.

Big Brother 20 Kaycee Clark

In the Head of Household room, Haleigh practiced her nomination speech. During nominations, things went smoothly, but after it, Kaycee Clark and Angela Rummans went over scenarios for who to nominate in case one of Level 6 won the Hacker competition. Angela and Kaycee debated whether it was a better idea to nominate Rockstar or Sam Bledsoe.

Angela thought Sam was a better choice because she would want to self-evict, which made it easier for them to campaign against her. For Kaycee, she thought she still had a pretty good relationship with Sam. Kaycee argued that Rockstar was a better nomination choice because it took away one of the Hive’s votes.

Kaycee won the Hacker competition, so she had the final decision on who went up. She picked Rockstar. Rockstar, understandably, was very moody after going up on the block for a third time this season. She made repeated rants about how putting her up wasn’t a strong move. It was a weak move because she couldn’t win competition and had already been on the block several times. Rockstar’s poor competition performances is the exact reason why Kaycee put her on the block.

Big Brother 20 Faysal Shafaat and Angie Rockstar Lantry

Kaycee and Level 6 then discussed Veto plans. Kaycee made all of Level 6 agree to try to win the Veto, but to keep nominations the same. This meant that the final votes would come down to Angela vs. Rockstar on the block, and then Level 6 had enough votes to evict Rockstar, because they could cancel one of the Hive’s votes.

Sam finally got her alone time with Tyler Crispen, who gave her a motivation speech to keep her head in the game. It worked for awhile because Sam started to feel more comfortable and happy again. Late at night, we get to hear one of the sources behind Sam’s weekend long breakdown. She revealed to Rockstar that she has a crush on Brett Robinson, yes Brett.

Big Brother 20 Tyler Crispen and Sam Bledsoe

Sam admits that Brett has never done anything to make her think he likes her too, but she just likes him, and scared to get her heartbroken on live tv. Meanwhile, Brett spoke to Tyler earlier about wondering whether Sam’s breakdowns were all part of an act.

Big Brother CBS All Access

Keep it here all summer for news, spoilers, recaps, and exclusives about Big Brother 20. We’ll continue to update you on the latest news related to Big Brother. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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