Monday, July 17, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 16 Highlights: Dominique’s Destuction Continues

The tension between Paul Abrahamian and Dominique Cooper has created a weird and intense vibe within the Big Brother 19 house. Daily, Dominique’s position in the Big Brother 19 game continues to drop, and Paul’s loyal minions continue to grow more obedient.

Big Brother 19 Dominique Cooper

Amongst the Paul and Dominique conflict, Jessica Graf has begun to rebuild her social status within the Big Brother 2017 game. She’s incorporating herself right back in with Matt Clines, Raven Walton, Elena Davies, and Mark Jansen. However, the outsiders still questioned whose side had Jessica’s loyalty.

Target Plans

big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian and Jason Dent

Despite it only being Sunday, the Big Brother 19 players have already written this week off. We heard a lot of houseguests discussing who to go after once Dominique leaves the house.

Jason Dent and Alex Ow talked about going after Ramses Soto and Jessica next. Alex still wants Jessica out. However, Jason thinks Ramses should be next on their list. They also discussed the possibility of taking out Kevin because he continues to betray and play them.

Paul’s side also discussed putting up Jessica and Ramses. Dominique mentioned that her targets would be Paul and Elena, and Raven if either of them came down.

Dominique’s Isolation

Big Brother 19 Dominique Cooper

Dominique continued to distance herself from the rest of the house. She had a few private conversations with various players. Dominique talked about the game with Jessica, Josh Martinez, and Mark. Most of Dominique’s conversations were with herself, talking to the live feed watchers about being betrayed. She also felt really defensive about Paul dismissing God, which is understandable considering her faith.

Dominique did briefly reveal to Matt that she works in Washington. She told the houseguests that she still wants to have her show on Wednesday. She asked Kevin to interview Jessica and her. Kevin mentioned to the other Big Brother 19 houseguests that he would decline it because it made people uncomfortable.

The Big Brother 19 houseguests also chatted about not attending Dominique’s talk show on Wednesday. They believe she’d use it to try to manipulate things.

Veto Plans

Big Brother 19 Jason Dent

Alex, Paul, Jason, and Mark went back and forth the entire day about the veto. Mark and Raven both still refuse to be pawns. It seemed like Jason and Alex were fine with not using it, but after different discussions, and the fear of Mark flipping the vote, they have once again decided to take Jessica off the block and putt Mark up as a replacement.

Paul wants to make a scene during the Power of Veto ceremony by dressing like a snake. He even discussed possibly painting his face black with a facial mask, to create the full snake effect.

By the end of the night, Jason had once again decided not to use the veto. We’ll have to wait until this afternoon to see Jason’s final decision.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news.

from Big Brother Access

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