Saturday, July 15, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Live Feeds Day 15 Highlights: Mark and Dominique Start to Distrust Paul and Elena

So far, Alex Ow’s week 3 Big Brother 19 Head of Household win has produced a lot of Live Feeds entertainment. We have seen Jason Dent, Kevin Schlehuber, and Ramses Soto put in more game work than they have in the previous weeks. All three men feel really comfortable with Alex, so they have no problem trying to push their agendas with her in power. However, none of them got their wishes this Big Brother 19 week.

Big Brother Alex Ow, Dominique Cooper, and Elena Davies

The main drama of yesterday’s Big Brother 19 Live Feeds revolved around Alex’s nominations. They opened up a few players’ eyes to their position in the Big Brother 19 game and house.

Nomination Talks Continued

Big Brother 19 Alex Ow and Mark Jansen

Alex tried to speak to every Big Brother 19 player. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like she actually listened to their concerns, confessions, and targets. Alex already had her mind made up to nominate Dominique Cooper and Jessica Graf. A few Big Brother players made very good arguments against these nominations, but Alex had a singular focus.

Alex also continued to try to find proof that Jessica could not be trusted. She asked a few people about some incident where her cat ears were hidden and her coke was thrown out.

Jessica insisted that Raven Walton did these things to Alex, but Elena Davies and Paul Abrahamian said that they believed Jessica was lying. However, late at night, Raven admitted that she did do both things, but Matt Clines and Elena were pointing the blame at Jessica to protect her.

There was no major reveal from Alex’s one-on-one houseguest discussions. It just led to a passive aggressive confrontation between Dominique and Ramses.

Post-Nomination Drama

Big Brother 19 Elena Davies and Paul Abrahamian

Alex nominated Jessica and Dominique. Dominique and Mark took the nominations the hardest because it made things a lot more clear to them. They both started to suspect that Paul, Raven, and Elena knew beforehand about Alex’s plans. Dominique even believed Paul and Elena encouraged Alex to put her up.

Mark and Dominique started to feel like they no longer had a team. They talked about that being what hurt them the most. Mark even stated that he should have stuck with Cody Nickson and gotten Christmas Abbott out of the Big Brother 19 house.

Both Dominique and Mark had private conversations with Alex where she tried to tell them that their group didn’t throw either of them under the bus. She just believed some of Cody’s claims and thought Dominique wasn’t a trustworthy player. She was a liability to ‘their group.’

Christmas’ Return

Big Brother 19 Christmas Abbott and Jason Dent

After leaving on Wednesday for her surgery, Christmas returned to the house. She gathered the houseguests around to go into detail about her surgery. She told them that she will never have full mobility again, she needs more surgeries, had to get a bone donor, will have arthritis, and needs a year to recover. Everyone, understandably, was sadden by Christmas’ misfortune. They all really empathized with her struggles.

Jason felt the most guilty about it all. However, Christmas reassured him that she didn’t blame him. She also mentioned that she needs to leave the house every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for physical therapy.

Paul and others also spent a lot of time speculating about Christmas’ vote. She refused to admit that she voted out Ramses. But she did privately disclose this information to Paul. Next, Christmas was very vague about her conversation with Cody, which made more people suspicious of her.

Late Night Veto Competition

Big Brother 19 Paul Abrahamian and Alex OW

Around 9 PM PT, the houseguests were selected for the Power of Veto, and then left to play it. The feeds didn’t return until after midnight. Read our spoiler piece to find out more details and the winner of that competition.

Keep it here all summer for Big Brother 19 news, spoilers, exclusives, and recaps! Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother 19 news.

from Big Brother Access

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