Friday, June 21, 2019

Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 1 Head of House Results…

Big Brother 21 fans were blessed today with a Big Brother Live Feeds leak. This leak started off a casual conversation between two of the Big Brother 21 women, but as it continued, it revealed very important details about the first few days of Big Brother 21.

First off, we might already have a butting Big Brother 21 showmance, then we have a bit of outcast situation going on, and we now know the first Big Brother 21 Head of Household. So major spoilers coming below. Turn back if you want to go into the new season unspoiled.


Christie Murphy  won Head of Household.

Big Brother 21 Cast-Christie Murphy

The feeds leak opened on a conversation between Christie and Nicole Anthony. It was mostly casual talk about their lives outside the game. Nicole also expressed concern about not completely fitting in with the Big Brother 21 house. Christie reassured her not to worry too much. They were also cast for a reason and it’s good to interact with people you don’t normally do. Christie also reassured Nicole that she wasn’t going up this week. She liked her vibe.

Ovi Kabir eventually came in the room to take a shower. Then Christie told Ovi that she wouldn’t nominate him, Nicole, and Jessica Milagros. Earlier, Christie and Nicole mentioned really liking Jessica and thinking she was sweet/a good person. Christie said she didn’t have a target. She would possible nominate Cliff Hogg III as strictly a pawn. She then mentioned Kathryn Dunn. She said Kathryn was giving off negative vibes and only talked about her anxiety medication. She said Kathryn had done a lot of annoying things, like busting in the room and saying that Christie was going to nominate her and Jack Matthews, who Kathryn may have started a showmance with.

Christie also mentioned that she was covered in slime after the Head of Household competition, and that Kathryn might have been the first one out of it.

So there you have it. this is all the details we got so far. There was no mention of returning players, and looks like Kathryn might be this week’s target, unless something happens between now and nominations. She might also be safe if she wins Veto or gets someone to use the Veto on her.

How do you feel about Christie being the first Big Brother 21 Head of Household?

It’s Big Brother 21 season, so keep it here all summer for news, recaps, exclusives, spoilers and much more. Make sure to subscribe to CBS: All Access to get your live feeds and enjoy more exclusive content. Don’t forget to follow us on InstagramFacebook and Twitter to stay updated on all the Big Brother news!

from Big Brother Access

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